Sep 23, 2023Liked by Alex Ghiculescu

Re: your comment that we're told AGI will cure our healthcare / energy problems -- aren't there lots of more concrete claims as to _how_ AGI (or just very good AI) will help here e.g., predicting protein folding, or building a virtual cell and then combining these advances to run orders of magnitude more experiments to find the compounds that make an impact. On the energy front, I'm a little more skeptical I suppose.

Re: whether incumbents get disrupted. I'm probably more with you on the original "ehh". The internet was a new paradigm that required entirely different capabilities for a company and completed altered the economics of business (e.g., distribution and scale fundamentally changed). AI feels big, but it runs on the same hardware, and we might change the UX but it's still software capabilities *and* so far models work best when you have the right data, which skews incumbent. I'm heavily skeptical of saying that this generation of big companies are unbeatable, but I'm also not sure AI is to todays companies what the internet was to the last generation.

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