Sitemap - 2023 - Alex Ghiculescu's Newsletter

What to think about when making your first hire

11 years of SaaS product strategy

AI utopians aren't optimistic enough

Product management by walking around

"BlackBerry" review and analysis

Opening the codebase up to everyone

The Curse of Success

Lessons from Master Programmers

Dealing with Delinquent Customers

“What did you work on today?”

11 years of hosting a SaaS

Finding Early Customers for Your Startup

Accidental Bureaucracy

Office NIMBYs

The Greenfield Project Trap

You don't need to go to university to work at a startup

"The next Silicon Valley" will be in Northern California

How to think about technical debt

Some upcoming events, and some stories to go with them

The story of the Jasper and Louis mail room(s)

Culture is free

Software companies that sell software to other software companies

SaaS: The Lazy Industry

How you'll know when you have Product-Market Fit

Product management is about instinct, not data

My 3 week career at a big 4 firm

Don't hire engineers until you have product market fit

The cost of saying "yes" to feature ideas

The magic of working with your mates

Another reminder to keep your teams small

"It's like ChatGPT, for Uber"

A major competitor just raised a huge VC round. Now what?

I scaled a B2B startup to hundreds of customers without using pull requests

Terrible startup advice: Don't Hire Your Friends

The Drive Home

How to set your salary as a first time founder

1 thing for founders to learn about Business Systems

Using realistic development & test data for B2B SaaS